Read data files are provided in Fastq format with separate Read 1 (R1) and Read 2 (R2) files. Datasets A-E correspond to different experimental sources and/or data generation strategies. Each has been selected to consist of reads that align to a region of a single chromosome (human chr22:19,591,397-27,525,431 or mouse chr19:26,436,477-35,060,791). Each student group will start with one of these datasets, align to the appropriate reference perform common alignment file manipulations, and index prior to visualization in IGV. Team A data: dataset_A/dataset_A_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument id: 2891351068) Team B data: dataset_B/dataset_B_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument ids: 2891323123 2891323124 2891323125) Team C data: dataset_C/dataset_C_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument ids: 2895626107 2895626112) Team D data: dataset_D/dataset_D_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument id: 2900948884) Team E data: dataset_E/dataset_E_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument id: 2900930305) Dataset_lab corresponds to a single human exome data set with reads pre-selected that align to human chr21. DNA Alignment data: dataset_lab/HCC1395_Exome_chr21_R1[R2].fastq.gz (instrument id: 2891351068)